Use the following steps to guide you through some on-your-own Family Time Learning.
Watch these three videos who all - in their own creative way - try and show or explain how the
GOLDEN CALF got in the way of the BRIT (Covenant) between God and the Israelites. After you watch each one -- explain it to one another to make sure that you all understand what is happening in the video clip -- and then respond to the questions for each clip.
The Story of the Golden Calf
- Even though building the Golden Calf is a bad thing, how does seeing it make the people feel?
- Why does God get so angry when the people celebrate the Golden Calf?
- Why does Moses get so angry when the people celebrate the Golden Calf?
- What does the Golden Calf take the place of in the story?
- What are some of the things the get in the way of SHALOM BAYIT (of having peaceful and loving relationships in your family)?
- Why did the people even want or need a picture of God?
- Why do you think that Judaism has NO pictures of God?
- How would the wrong picture (or statue) of God get in the way of the BRIT?
- How would having a picture of God make the BRIT between the people and God harder or easier?
- How does Moses think the Golden Calf gets in the way of the BRIT between God and the people?
- What do you think of the way he decides to deal with the Golden Calf?
- What are the best ways to deal with the things that get in the way of SHALOM BAYIT (of having peaceful and loving relationships in your family))?
If the CALF is all about the things that get in the way, then what is at the heart of it all? AHAVA - LOVE! As a family read this teaching that our Rabbis in the Talmud teach us. Talk about what you think it means together and respond to the following questions:
- After you talk about its plain meaning together, each person in the family take a turn to rate this teaching from 1 - 10. Give it a 1 if you think it is FALSE and a 10 if you think it is TRUE or somewhere in between. Explain your ratings to one another.
- How can God be ‘elevated’? (Isn’t God pretty high to begin with?)
- Even if the teaching is not true, why would the rabbis make such an incredible statement?
- The rabbis are talking about parents and children. Compare this idea and how it may work between parents? Between brothers and sisters? With people outside our family?
A Ketubah is the written form of the BRIT that a wedding couple makes to one another. This BRIT often becomes the beginning of a family and the actual Ketubah is something that reminds a couple of the BRIT they make, the AHAVA that is behind it and the goal of SHALOM BAYIT they share.
Check out some of the Ketubot out there ... See which ones you all like or do not like ... and share your reasons. (Parents, if you have a ketubah from your wedding - examine it more closely with your kids.)
Some Ketubot sites to explore:
- http://www.ketubah.com/ketubah-gallery/all-ketubahs/
- http://www.modernketubah.com/ketubahs_all.php
- http://www.mpartworks.com/product.php?cat=248&sg=yes&productid=aloversembrace1&orderby=&sortby=&xid=d270c45a9885c043b30a2ca17a63151d
Families do not have Ketubot and it may be a bit weird for you to make a Ketubah as a family ... but talking about and looking a Ketubot may bring about some questions:
- What reminds your whole family of the BRIT you have with one another.
- Is there a special family object?
- Is there a special picture or collection of pictures?
- Is there something intangible (that you cannot see or touch) that reminds you?
- What can you do you -- especially in those Golden Calf moments (when things get in the way) to remind you all of your family’s BRIT?
Take out your Family Mountain and the Model Magic Clay that you received at the retreat and tear it up into small pieces. Make sure everyone in the family has 3 equal sized pieces. Each family member must think of three things that get in the way of YOUR family living up to your BRIT. Each family member must take a turn, say the thing that gets in the way and throw one piece of clay in the middle. Once all the clay has been tossed - take the clay and build yourselves a CALF! (Okay - it’s not Golden, you will have to use your imagination!)
This Calf will be made up of all of the things that get in the way of your family’s BRIT with one another. When you are done - place the calf next to your Mountain - to remind you of your family’s BRIT, your desire for SHALOM BAYIT and those things that get in the way.
At least for a few days - put your mountain and your calf some place where everyone in your family will see it ... and think about AHAVA, BRIT and SHALOM BAYIT.