1) Purim Redux:
- Purim FOUR-some … Check out and review the 4 mitzvot of Purim. Make sure that all of the group hears the English and Hebrew of each of these Mitzvot.
- Fastest Mouth in the West? … Get a stopwatch out and see who can recite these 4 Mitzvot the fastest (In Hebrew, in English and both)- while still being understood.
- Mitzvah Mania … Even though as Purim is over ... figure out a way for the group to fulfill each Mitzvah right now. Is there a way to hear the Megilah read? Can you do something for the poor? Are there gifts you can share with one another? Is there some food for you to enjoy while being ‘festive’?
2) Passover Prep - Part 1 - The Bush, The Bush, The Bush is on Fire
We all know today that Moses is the hero of the Passover story. He returns to Egypt with his brother Aaron to lead the Israelites to freedom. However, Moses had been forced to leave Egypt and his people and had no plans to come back until he received a message from God -- from a BURNING BUSH! This BURNING BUSH moment was HUGE for Moses.
- Have a couple of people in the group read out loud to everyone else how the Torah describes this BURNING BUSH moment.
- Make sure that everyone understands the passage from Torah ... and then get ready to see some ways that other people have portrayed this moment.
- Watch the following movie clips about the BURNING BUSH …
- Burning Bush - Torah Text (for your comparison)
- Bush Scene #1: Prince of Egypt
- Bush Scene #2: The Ten Commandments
- As you watch the movie clips and consider the Torah portion, think about and be ready to answer:
- Which one did you like the best? What about it made it better than the other two tellings of the Burning Bush story?
- What was similar in the movie clips when compared to Torah?
- What was different in the movie clips when compared to Torah?
- What would you add or subtract from the story that the movies did not add or subtract?
- What do think it be like to receive a message from God? Describe it.
- After you watch the clips, share your responses to the questions with one another.
3) Passover Prep - Part 2 - Hall of Heroes
(You will need paper and markers/crayons.)- There a lot of pieces and parts that go into the Passover Seders you will have in the coming weeks: Matzah, 4 Questions, The Cup of Elijah, The Things on the Seder Plate (Greens, Charoset, Bitter Herbs, etc.), Pillows to Relax on at the Table. (Can you think of any more?)
- Think of all of the pieces and parts as mighty superheroes coming to save the day and make Passover happen. If they were superheroes, what would they look like? What would we call them.
- Below is a list of ‘superpowers’ that these Seder Superheroes might have.
- Each person in the group should choose the superpower they like the most (or invent a different one from the Seder) and create their own Seder Superhero.
- Each of you should:
- Invent a name.
- Draw a picture of what the superhero looks like.
- Be ready to introduce your Seder Superhero to the rest of the group.
- (Pair up or work as individuals -- whatever works for your group.)
Seder Superheroes:
- The Matzah -- This superhero can flatten himself and escape anything (think Jewish Flat Stanley)
- Karpas (Greens) -- This Superhero can change the taste of any healthy food (like veggies) into something like chocolate, ice cream, etc.
- Chametz (Bread, Crackers, non-Passover food) Searcher -- superpower eyesight that can see the smallest of things, rom the farthest distance and in the dark.
- Ma Nishtanah 4 Questions - Think Google Brain --- this superhero’s brain is connected to the internet and link invisibly to the Internet to access information and anything else that is on the web.
- Elijah/Eli-yahoo (Prophet who mysteriously visits each Seder table) - Posssess the ability to become invisible
- Reclining Pillow (because we are not slaves anymore!) ... This superhero can lessen or even remove pain from himself or someone else.