Wednesday, December 17, 2014
FTL #5 Jacob and Esau
1)Have each member of your family look around the house for something that is special or important to another member (or numerous members of the family). Gather together with those items and see what family members would do to get those items back. Remind younger children that everything will be returned to their rightful owners after the game.
2)Play a game that has you think about what represents something "earthly" and what "eternal/forever" value. Just as Esau sold his birthright (eternal/forever) for some pottage (earthly), we often miss what is really important because we concentrate on our immediate wants. Blow up 20 balloons. On 10 balloons have family members write things that are earthly and on the other 10 have them write things that are "eternal". For example: food, clothes, toy car, money, computer, iphone...
eternal: prayer, hope, love, birthright, family...
Throw them up in the air and see how long it takes to separate the two kinds of balloons. Talk about what sometimes seems the most important thing at a particular moment.
Find an antique or other object that has significant "family" value (not necessarily monetary value).
Show your family the object and have them decide if it is something they would keep. What value does it have? What is the story behind it? Did Esau not understand the story behind his birthright? Could that have been his reasoning for giving it away so easily?
What is the birth order of your family? (1st, 2nd, 3rd, twin?)
If you have siblings, do you every feel that things are unfair between you and your siblings?
If you are an only child, what do you think the advantages/disadvantages are?
Do you think that your place in the family birth order puts you at an advantage/disadvantage?
If you could choose which order/how many siblings are in your family, what would you choose and why?
What would it look and feel like after reuniting with a family member after many years of being separated? How would you react to seeing your sibling, mother, father, child, aunt, uncle, cousin if you had not spoken to them after a fight you had? Act out what this reunion might look like, thinking about the words you might exchange and the facial expressions you might have. Then
watch this Jacob and Esau Reuniting YouTube video to see one interpretation about what Jacob and Esau's reunion might have looked like.
What did Esau REALLY trade for his birthright? Research what this "pottage" really was made of and try out a few recipes of your own. If you find a good one, e-mail us and we will share it with the group.
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