Mishpacha #6 - Joseph Blog
Take one of your God-values that you placed on your map.
See how your family can “live” that value all day long - when you wake up in the morning, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, get ready to go to school and work, after you come home and are doing homework/sports/music, when you are getting ready for dinner, eating dinner, going to sleep.
How does that value help you live your life?
Have each family member tell or write down a dream they recently have had.
Have other family members, including the one whose dream it was, try to interpret the dream.
Write some good ones down and see if they end up coming true.
Ask if you would need to DO something in order to help them come true or would it just be luck?
Listen and watch a few “God Songs”. What are some similarities between each song and the pictures that are presented? What stands out as being unique? Which one (if any) do you most identify with? If you feel creative, have your family write their own “God Song”. Video tape it and feel free to share it with me.
God Songs
This last one is Hashkevenu, I think it is sung by our own David Ross, and is a prayer sung on Friday night. Translation below:
Grant that we may lie down in peace, Eternal God, and awaken us to life. Shelter us with Your tent of peace and guide us with Your good counsel. Shield us from hatred, plague and destruction. Keep us from war, famine, and anguish. Help us to deny our inclination to evil. God of peace, may we always feel protected because You are our Guradian and Helper. Give us refuge in the shadow of Your wings. Guard our going forth and our coming in and bless us with life and peace. Blessed are You, Eternal God, whose shelter of peace is spread over us, over all Your people Israel, and over Jerusalem.
Gather ingredients to make trail mix:
Whole grain cereal, chocolate chips, dried fruit, nuts...whatever you family likes.
Because God helped Joseph interpret Pharaoh’s dream, he was able to store enough grain for the 7 years of famine.
Because of the famine, Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to get food.
Because they came to Egypt, Joseph was finally again united with his family.
Next time you go for a hike, bring that trail mix and say a blessing over it’s content: Baruch atah adonai eloheinu melech haolam borei mine mizonot
Blessed are you God, king of the universe, who created all kinds of sustenance.