- Find a “wow” moment each week that you want to work toward.
- Look back on your week and see which moments were actually “wow” moments that you may have not taken the time to see as “wow” moments.
- Think of a way your family can celebrate everyday “wow” moments of each person. Maybe it happens around the dinner table, at bed time, in the car, or through post-it notes on the refrigerator.
Option 1
- Check out the Rick Recht song Halleluya and lyrics.
- Have your family write a few more lines to add to this song.
- You might begin with I feel…. or I will… or choose your own beginning.
- Send it to bethany.friedlander@gmail.com and maybe Rick Recht will add a few new lines to his song on March 21, 6pm
- Look at the lyrics of Miracles from Fiddler on the Roof. What other miracles would your family add?
- Listen to and see how you think the idea of Hallelujah is expressed in these songs, too:
- Shrek: Halleluya
- Kid’s Cartoon: Halleluya
HOLIDAY MIRACLES - Do we still have Jewish miracles?
- We talked about various miracles found in the Torah from the burning bush, plagues, part of the Red Sea. Do miracles like these still occur today?
- What holidays do we celebrate both in Judaism and in America that contain a part of miracle?
BLESSINGS - Upon awaking, it is Jewish custom to say a set of prayers called Birkkot Hashachar (morning blessings).
Some of these blessings are:
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, ruler of the world…
- who opens the eyes of the blind
- who clothes the naked
- who frees the captive
- who raises those who are bent over
- who provides for my every need
- who girds Israel with might
- who gives strength to the tired